” Teacher home visits, to see the devils professor: "I do not
understand, your son has always been my favorite students, everything first.
But this two weeks, his job suddenly did a complete mess, what lessons will not
work the. This is how in the end all about? "
捣蛋鬼教授:“嗯,也许是我出差多了,没时间帮助他复习吧。” Troublemaker Professor: "ah, maybe more I travel, no time to
help him review it."
Teacher shook his head: "no. Your son and you do not speak
the same reason."
Troublemaker Professor: "how could he say?"
老师:“你儿子说得很简单,现在是爸爸的水平跟不上教育大纲了。” Teacher: "You son very simple, it is now my father can not
keep up the level of the education programs."