


Don’t be naive when choosing friends


Don’t be naive when choosing friends


Summer should be full of excitement, right? When you look at the "thousands of pink flowers hanging low on the branches", you may be intoxicated by them, which is very sweet.

At this time, a group of white swans were walking through the flowers. The scenery was indeed beautiful. When the white swan approached Qingshui River, she could already see the lotus flowers there.

Allen looked at the blooming lotus and remembered the stories from his childhood. She remembered that her father once told her about the coolness and beauty of lotus flowers. When her father complained about the hot summer heat, he would always tell her, "A calm mind will naturally cool down." And why is the mind calm? A calm mind means seeking nothing, seeking nothing means thinking nothing, thinking nothing means indifference, and indifference means simplicity. Therefore, the lotus spirit, with its "quiet" characteristics, has become one of the flowers that leads summer.

But at this time, Allen had no interest in admiring flowers. Because when she was taking photos of summer lotus flowers and the group of white swans, she met the witty Agudemba.

Agudemba told Allen: These white swans are being driven towards the slaughterhouse by the executioner, the owner of the slaughterhouse. Those ignorant white swans do not understand that they are walking towards death.

There are some special flowers blooming by the river not far away. Flowers are particularly beautiful. The red petals on the flower stem are located at the top of the flower stem, and the petals are oblanceolate. Its stamens are very long, and because of the curled petals, it looks like a blood-red dress from a distance. And because there are often three or four flowers gathered together, it looks like a small umbrella. There are a few more gorgeous decorations.

Allen understood that this was Hibiscus flower. When she was a child, she heard her mother say: "The flowers on the other side bloom on the other side. Only the flowers are visible, but no leaves. They are all in the same place." By the way, it is the flower of the other side. Because Bianhua can only bloom bright flowers when all its leaves have withered.

My mother once said that it is said that the flower of the other side only blooms in Huangquan. It is generally believed that it is a flower of invitation that only blooms on the other side of the Santu River and the Forgotten River in the underworld. Flowers on the other side are as bright and red as blood. They pave the road to hell. They have flowers but no leaves. They are the only flowers in the underworld. There are large numbers of these flowers blooming on Huangquan Road. From a distance, they look like a carpet paved with blood. They are also the only scenery and color on this long Huangquan Road. When the soul crosses the River of Forgetfulness, it forgets all that happened in its lifetime. Everything in the past is left on the other side. The deceased leads to the hell of the underworld following the guidance of this flower.

The story about Hibiscus Flower suddenly made Allen feel a little scared. Because the group of white swans in front of us are being sent to death by the executioner, the owner of the slaughterhouse.

When the executioner, the owner of the slaughterhouse who was escorting the white swan, was not paying attention, Agudengba secretly told the old swan in goose language: This time there is a mad cow disease plague in the global village, and those diners have no beef to eat, so they want to eat swan meat. Agudemba said: The final destination of you white swans is actually the slaughterhouse, and you will soon become delicacies on the human table.

The old swan asked Agudemba: "Are we swans just going to the slaughterhouse to be killed?"

Agudengba said: "Swans are the best flying champions in the world. Your flight height can reach 9 kilometers. The Chinese call you Hongshun. Human beings envy your ambition of Hongshun, so you are the leading old swan. You You should tell your companions how to fight for freedom and protect their right to life."

The old swan understood, he stretched his neck and screamed. He suddenly flapped his wings vigorously, and all the swans turned their attention to the old swan. The old swan jumped up and flew into the sky. In an instant, all the swans flapped their wings and flew into the blue sky. The swans lined up in a line in the sky, and the old swan was the leader.

Alan Agudenba looked at the group of flying swans and said to Alan: Only by spreading your wings can you fly to the free world, and the right to survive should be your own choice.

Allen bid farewell to Agudumba, and she also decided to choose her own life.

Agudengba rode his donkey, looked at Allen and the white swans flying away into the sky, and sang the snowy Buddhist song "Song of Choosing Friends":


Stand up in respect to help your friends,

Good friends should go on a blind date.

Entrusted to virtue,

No matter rich or poor.

A gentleman is as light as water,

Love is true over time.


A tyrant is a villain;

Powerful ministers are accomplices.

The mouth of an adulterer is like honey;

In an instant, he became an enemy.

Understand sin and evil,

Don’t be naive when choosing friends.



































White Swan


White Swan

An unprecedented mad cow disease plague has made the world panic. Mad cows have been hunted down all over the global village, and even those who are not sick have been banned.

The little bull "Call" adopted by Allen has quietly run away from home for some unknown reason. Alan lost his beloved pet and was filled with confusion.

One day, Allen took his camera, broke the confinement order, and wandered outside. Inadvertently, she met Agu Demba.

Agudumba was traveling by the river with his donkey. There is a man driving a group of white swans by the river.

Alan followed the group of white swans to take photos. She said to Agudemba: This scenery is so beautiful.

Agudemba asked Yani: "Do you know where these white swans are going?"

Agudengba pointed at the middle-aged man wearing a black Tibetan robe and said: "Look at this man, he is beating the geese with branches. He is the executioner of the slaughterhouse boss."

Allen asked Agudenba strangely: "Where did he drive these white swans?"

Agudemba said: "Due to the epidemic of mad cow disease, animal restaurants can no longer sell beef, so they are cooking goose meat instead. These geese are sent to the slaughterhouse. After the slaughter is completed, these white swans are sent to the animal restaurant Now, do you want to enjoy the delicious taste of swan meat?"

Alan looked at these poor white swans and was stunned.

Agudemba said: White swans are migratory birds among the wild goose family. They are distributed on all continents except Africa and Antarctica, mostly in Eurasia. White swans are the largest group of ducks in the Anatidae family. The neck is slender, exceeding the body length or the same length as the body; the base of the mouth is high and the front end is flat, and the eye glands are exposed; the tail is short and round, and the webbed feet are powerful. In the market, white swans are indeed delicacies on the tables of citizens.

At this time, Allen saw an old white swan still waddling the figure eight steps, walking slowly and holding its head high. They did not know that they were about to be killed. This old swan is obviously the leader of this group of swans, it should be said that it is the leading goose. He looked a little old, because his pace was slower and he was often scolded by the executioner who beat the geese with branches.

Allen said to the old swan: "Do you know where you and your companions will be sent?"

Old Swan said: "Perhaps we will be sent to the mad cow plague detection station. It is said that some people suspect that we are infected with the mad cow disease plague virus."

The old swan raised its long neck and said to Allen: "Those people don't even know who we are? We are definitely not ordinary domestic geese, we are proud swans. Swans are the best flying champions in the world, and our flying height It can reach 9 kilometers and can fly over the world's highest mountain - Mount Everest. The Chinese call us swans, hongs, cranes, swans, white swans, yellow swans, yellow cranes, etc. Many place names still contain these words, such as Yanmen Pass, Huling, Huze, Yellow Crane Tower, etc. How do those stupid people know the lofty aspirations of Honghu? "

Allen was silent.

The old swan said that our ancestors once saved Rome. More than a hundred years ago, our ancestors defeated all enemies and created a brand new world without oppression or exploitation.

Agudemba smiled: "That was just a utopian society. Those Romans did let the world enjoy the beautiful swan dance, but the show ended and the powerful Swan Dynasty disintegrated. What else do you have to show off?"

The old swan was angry: "We will definitely rule the world again! Our ancestors once ruled Eurasia."

Agudengba quietly told the old swan in goose language: "Please stop boasting about your ancestors. I already know that the guy who beat the geese with branches is the executioner of the slaughterhouse, and he is sending you to be slaughtered." Then, you will be handed over to the chef of the animal restaurant. When you are brought to the table, you will only be eaten with applesauce."

Because Agudenba whispered these words to the old swan in goose language, the executioner at the slaughterhouse did not notice what they said quietly.

At this time, the old swan also seemed to understand that disaster was waiting for them. But the old swan didn't know what to do.

At this time, Agudemba persuaded the old swan to try to leave here as soon as possible. He also told Allen: When the mad cow disease epidemic occurred, Mr. Feely not only obtained all the sick cows and dead cow carcasses from the Shanweng Feeding Farm for free, but also got a Considerable labor fee. He also processed these harmful and diseased cattle into canned beef and introduced it to the consumer market, making a lot of money. After all these sick cows were slaughtered, the animal restaurant could no longer sell beef, so these bad guys prepared to cook goose meat and fixed their evil eyes on these poor white swans. You have to understand that your lover, Mr. Philly, is not a kind man. Why did your adopted bull calf "Call" run away from home quietly? When he discovered that Philly had sold him to the executioner in the slaughterhouse, he cleverly escaped.

The old swan decided to leave here with the geese, and Allen also decided to leave Philly. They had only one goal: to fly to freedom.

There are always some people in the world who like to boast about how great and glorious their ancestors are, but they have no idea what happiness and joy they have brought to this society, let alone the dangers that often occur around them.

Looking at Allen and the white swans flying into the sky in the distance, Agudengba rode his donkey and sang the snowy Buddhist song "Song of Friendship":


Be cautious when making friends,

Don’t make love with jackals or foxes;

There are many false feelings and lies,

The butcher tyrant is ruthless.


Love and care for each other in times of trouble,

It’s hard to know when you meet by chance;

The icing on the cake is not uncommon;

It is rare in the world to offer help in times of need.


All Men Are Brothers,

There are endless benefits to choosing your friends carefully;

There are many evil people who only seek profit,

It takes time to understand people's hearts.















































Ugly hypocrisy


Ugly hypocrisy


When the mad cow disease epidemic occurred, Mr. Philly, who ran an animal trading business, not only obtained all the sick cattle and their carcasses from the Shanweng Farm for free, but also received a considerable amount of labor fees. He also processed these harmful and diseased cattle into canned beef and introduced it to the consumer market, making a lot of money.

To Mr. Feeley's satisfaction, her mistress Ellen and her husband Mr. Bridge openly fell out and came to his side. Allen abandoned Bridge, but believed Philly's lies.

Mr. Feeley said emotionally to his mistress Ellen: "Why was your blind husband, Mr. Bridge, blinded by the buffalo? This was the cow's revenge on him. He wanted to kill your beloved little bull Call, It’s because he doesn’t understand the love between humans and animals at all. Why people on the grassland can enjoy cow’s milk is because humans and cows maintain a symbiotic relationship. People treat cows well, and cows let people share part of her milk. These are two things. It is a kind of cooperation between living beings. In the milk tea of herdsmen, the friendship and love between humans and cattle are condensed.”

Call, the bull, crouched at the feet of Mr. Feeley and Alan, listening to their conversation.

Mr Feeley said:

As large mammals, cows have biological desires similar to humans. If these desires are not satisfied, the cow will be in a bad mood. When cows feel depressed, they are more likely to get sick and their milk production will decrease.

If cows are depressed to death, from the perspective of the dairy company, it is called an economic loss; so they cannot be allowed to get sick or die; therefore, they must be continuously injected with vaccines and antibiotics. In order to ensure milk production, hormones and galactagogues are injected. At the same time, the feed of dairy cows must also contain chemical fertilizers, pesticides and various additives. There are countless mysterious chemical products that have been poured into the bodies of cows. Most of these chemical products have never been accepted by the body of animals like cows. Cows do not know how to decompose them, so they will inevitably be distributed into the milk of cows. In fact, when people drink such milk, according to the saying about eating meat, it is equivalent to taking drugs! And what we buy in supermarkets can only be the kind of milk products that embody human sin and contain toxins. Alan was very surprised to hear what Mr. Feeley said.

Mr. Feeley added: But these are not the only things that worry about milk. More importantly, there are hormones and infectious disease sources. In a natural state, a cow can produce up to about 10 kilograms of fresh milk every day, but today’s pastures The tortured cows here can produce 100 pounds of fresh milk every day. In order to drink a little poisonous milk every day, can people let cows live a life without sex? Is it humane to rely on artificial insemination to let female cows have children?

Mr. Feeley told Allen: "With the epidemic of mad cow disease, which caused panic around the world, people began to hunt and kill cattle animals everywhere, even poultry and livestock, which also began to be controlled and slaughtered. People who had contact with cattle, They are called close contacts. There are also very strict control measures. I know you love the little bull Kaul very much, and I am very worried that one day, our lovely Kaul will be hunted by those people."

Call, the young bull, squatted at the heels of Mr. Feeley and Alan, and seemed to understand their conversation. Like humans, cows can get bored and even resent each other. Cows are also able to recognize people who are unkind to them and remember them for years to come. What was the little bull Kaul thinking at this time?

What Mr. Feeley said seemed to be full of human kindness. In fact, does this businessman, who sells the carcasses of mad cows and sick cows for profit, without regard for human life and death, have any good intentions? Allen held the little bull Call tightly in his arms. At this time, Allen looked confused.

At night, as Little Bull Call stood alone in the darkness, he began to think about what Mr. Feeley had said. Animals also have spirituality. The little bull Kaul sang a sad song sadly:


People without money are worse than ghosts,

Soup without salt is not as good as water.

You will slowly discover,

A kind heart,

It can never be compared to,

A mouth that tells lies well,

Sweet words are intoxicating,

Hypocrisy is the worst.











如果奶牛忧郁至死,从奶业公司的角度,叫做经济损失;所以不能让她们病,不能让她们死;所以要不断地给她们注射疫苗,注射抗生素。为了保证牛奶的产量,还要注射激素,注射催奶剂。同时,奶牛的饲料中也必然包含着化肥、农药以及各种添加剂。在奶牛的体内,不知道被人灌进去多少莫名其妙的化工产品。而这些化工产品,大多数是奶牛这种动物的身体从未接受过的,奶牛不知道怎么分解它们,它们必然会分布到奶牛的奶液中。其实人们喝这样的奶,按照关于吃肉的说法,相当于吸毒! 而我们在超市里买到的,只能是那种凝聚着人类的罪恶,带着毒素的牛奶制品。艾伦听了菲利先生所说的话非常惊奇。















The epidemic is crazy


The epidemic is crazy


It was an unforgettable and crazy day. Mr. Bridge, the trainer of the animal show troupe, suddenly said cruelly to his wife Ellen: "I want to kill that little bull Call! I can't let this evil breed leave a legacy!"

Allen hugged the little bull Call tightly and shouted: "Your left eye was blinded by a bison. How can you blame Call?"

Mr. Bridge shouted: "You know what the heck!"

It turned out that Mr. Bridge got a sad news from the owner of the animal farm, Shan Weng:

Cows in feedlots suffer from a strange disease. Many cows have abnormal gaits when walking quickly. The front and rear limbs on the same side start at the same time, and then develop into swaying hindquarters, shortened strides, difficulty in turning, and easy falling. It may even be difficult to stand up or unable to stand and lie on the ground all day long. There are also some cows that are overly sensitive to touch, light and sound. When the neck and ribs of the cow are touched with hands or blunt objects, these cows will be abnormally nervous and trembling. If the hind limbs are lightly touched with a broom, nervousness will also occur. Kick reaction. Cows will react with shock and trembling when hearing the sound of tapping metal instruments, and will react with panic and trembling when the light is suddenly turned on in a dark environment. When milked, cows kick and kick. Mr. Bridge wanted to kill Call, the bull calf, of course because he was afraid of contracting this strange disease.

In order to protect the little bull Call, Mr. Bridge's wife Ellen ran away from her husband with the little bull Call and went to find her lover Mr. Feeley.

Mr. Feeley runs a business selling animals. At this time, Mr. Feeley was receiving Boss Shan Weng. Shan Weng’s boss told Mr. Philly: The abnormal behavior of these cows mainly manifested as being alone, anxious, fearful, violent or depressed, delirious, and involuntary movements, such as teeth grinding, muscle twitching, tremors, and spasms. Cows are unwilling to pass through concrete floors, turn corners, enter corrals, pass gates, or be milked. Cows become aggressive when someone approaches or chases them. The onset of disease in these cows can last from several weeks to 12 months, and eventually the sick cow becomes inactive and dies as symptoms worsen.

Boss Shan Weng said that after a diagnosis by veterinarian Mr. Doug Toll, it was confirmed that it was mad cow disease. Mad cow disease is a subacute progressive neurological disease characterized by a long incubation period, high mortality, and high contagiousness. Since the disease was first discovered in 1985, it has gradually spread around the world, posing a huge threat to the cattle breeding industry, the catering industry and human life safety. Over the past 20 years, mad cow disease has spread to 31 countries in Europe, America and Asia, and more than 100 countries have been affected by mad cow disease, causing huge economic losses and social panic.

Mr. Feeley asked the boss Shan Weng: "Why are you telling me this?"

Boss Shan Weng said: "I can't kill these sick cows and bury them on the spot. If I do this, my economic losses will be huge. I want to discuss a way to save the losses with you. You are very experienced in animal management."

Mr. Philly began to blackmail his boss Shan Weng: "Mr. Shan Weng, I can't use money to buy your sick cows and expand the spread of the mad cow virus. This is a crime. For Mr. Shan, the spread of mad cow disease will involve your breeding farm." With all the livestock and poultry here, you will suffer heavy losses. And it can also spread to people. It is better for you and your wife Fu Niang to take care of your health. There is nothing I can do."

The mountain man became anxious when he heard this: "Mr. Philly, I'm asking you to do me a favor. Please help me get rid of these sick cows. I can pay for the labor."

Mr. Feeley obtained all the sick cattle in the Shanweng Farm without paying a single penny, including the dead bodies of the sick cattle. After processing these harmful objects, he made canned beef, promoted it to the consumer market, and made a lot of money.

But Mr. Feely's lover Ellen knew nothing about it. She also thanked Mr. Feely for taking in the little bull Call and thought Mr. Feely was very kind.

During the mad cow virus epidemic, a folk song spread:


Whenever an epidemic spreads,

Both humans and animals will suffer.

Some people feel panic because of this,

Some people take advantage of the opportunity to get rich suddenly.

Human nature transcends the evil of animal nature,

Hypocrisy always masks the truth.

Kindness is often deceived by lies,

It is common practice to fool the people.































Calf bull


Calf bull

Mr. Feili, who specializes in selling animals, made a deal with Fu Niang. The cows that were "culled" due to physical exhaustion and the young bulls became their trading items. Mr. Feeley made a lot of money by selling these low-priced cows to the beef market.

Mr. Feili purchased another batch of young bulls from Fu Niang Dairy Farm, and one of the young bulls was particularly cute.

Mr. Feely did not sell the young male cow to the beef market because Mr. Feely fell in love with Mr. Bridge's wife, Ellen, who was Mr. Feely's lover and an animal photographer and whom she adopted. Allen also named this little male cow "Call".

Alan took many excellent photos of the young male cow "Call". Kaul became her photographic model and appeared on the cover of Animals Illustrated.

During Allen's close contact with the young male cow "Call", he discovered that cows have strong and highly developed perceptions. Because cows' eyes are located on both sides of their heads, cows can see things around and behind them, with a field of view of more than 300 degrees compared to humans' field of vision of about 180 degrees. When they lower their heads to graze, their viewing angle can even be close to 360 degrees, giving them an almost panoramic view. They can see everything around them without turning their heads.

In addition, Allen found that cows' hearing is also very developed, close to that of dogs, so loud noises can make them feel depressed. In terms of smell, cows can smell smells up to 8 kilometers away. These senses make cows very susceptible to sensing danger or attack. But cows are red-green color blind, and these colors appear to them as shades of black and gray.

Cows are natural herbivores and can eat grass or other plants that suit their taste while walking. Their stomach structure is very complex and can be divided into 4 stomach chambers. This structure helps cows digest food efficiently.

Allen told Mr Feeley: Cows' lifestyle and food sources depend on humans. But no matter where they live, they need to eat and drink a lot. A cow needs about 25kg to 50kg of food and about 172 liters of water every day, which is about the water capacity of a bathtub. If there is not enough fresh grass in winter, cows can be given silage or dry feed, which contains more vitamins and minerals.

  Allen added: Cows, like all social animals, feel safe and comfortable when they are with their own kind. Cows can usually be closely related to 2 to 4 other cows within the same group. When given enough space, they will run, chase each other, and play with balls. Play is also a way for cows to get to know each other and become part of the group.

But the little male cow "Call" did not have the opportunity to have close contact with her fellow cows. The little male cow "Call" can only feel safe when he is with Allen.

Allen's husband, Mr. Bridge, bought a ferocious bull from Mr. Feeley and let the bull participate in the bullfight. As a result, his left eye was blinded by the bullfight, so he hated all cattle very much. .

As long as Allen is not around, Mr. Bridge will hit the young male cow "Call" with an animal training electric baton, and sometimes beat him with a stick or tree branch.

Mr. Bridge did not know that cows are also vengeful animals. The little male cow "Call" has buried his hatred for Bridge in his heart.

Mr. Feeley talked about these things with Allen, and he sang a ballad "Eye of the Sky" with emotion:


Animals naturally have their own nature,

People can coexist if they have feelings.

Animals and humans are enmity,

The beast will definitely take revenge.


God is watching when people are doing things.

Heaven has eyes to know good and evil.

You and I are destined to join hands,

Don’t let God’s will disappoint you and your heart will always be happy.


If a person looks at the world with blind eyes,

Chaos makes it difficult to see clearly.

If people look at each other with love,

There are thousands of emotions in my heart.