


Who are the ancestors of the Aryans?


Who are the ancestors of the Aryans?


Agudengba and Lacuo came to a Tibet along the ancient Yunnan-Tibet Tea Horse Road.

There was a small horse farm next to the inn, and Agudenba and Lacuo decided to take a rest here first.

The inn owner who received them, Sinval, was an Indian and his daughter was named Aya. Sinval and Aya warmly received Lacuo and Agudengba. After settling the caravan members and the donkeys and horses, Lacuo, Agudengba and Sinval started chatting.

Sinval told Agudumba and Latso that he claimed to be a descendant of the Aryans. His hometown lives in northern India.

Agudumba asked Sinval:

Legend has it that the common ancestors of all the Indian-speaking peoples and the Iranian-speaking peoples are the Aryans. In which countries are the Aryans currently located?

Sinval smiled and said:

The Aryans (Sanskrit: âryâ) were originally an ancient nomadic people in the grasslands of the southern Ural Mountains in Russia. They migrated to the plains between the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers in Central Asia.

However, no one claims that the ancestors of the Aryans are Russians or Ukrainians, and these people are called Aryan-Punjabis. Around the 14th century BC, the Aryan-Punjab people moved southward into the northwest of the South Asian subcontinent. These are the Aryans mentioned in ancient Indian texts. They drove the ancient Dravidians southward, created the Vedic culture and established the caste system, and brought the Aryan-Punjabi language to India. Eventually the ancient Aryans and the ancient Dravidians merged into today's unique South Asian subcontinent.

Aryans is the general name for all Indo-European language groups in European literature in the 19th century. From the comparative study of ancient Indian and Persian documents, it can be inferred that in ancient times there was a tribal group in Central Asia that called itself "Arya". They were engaged in animal husbandry, good at riding and shooting, had a patriarchal clan organization, and worshiped many gods.

Between 2000 and 1000 BC, one group went south and settled in the upper reaches of the Indus River, one group moved southwest into Persia, and the other moved into Asia Minor. Since the 18th century European linguistic circles discovered that Sanskrit has something in common with Greek, Latin, Celtic, Germanic, Slavic, etc., the term "Aryan" was used to summarize these languages, which are now commonly known as Indo-European languages. Language, all ethnic groups that use related languages are collectively called "Aryans".

Agudumba asked Sinval again:

Mr. Zinval, you just said that the Aryans worshiped many gods. What is their main belief?

Sinval said:

The main religious beliefs of the Aryans are Zoroastrianism and Hinduism. The main literature classics include the ancient Persian scriptures of Zoroastrianism, the Avesta and the Rig Veda. The myths and stories circulated are mainly Persian myths and Indian myths.

In the Zoroastrian classic Persian scripture "Avesta", King Feridun had three sons, the eldest son Tuirya, the second son Salem (Sairima) and the youngest son Aryan (Airya). , the king divided the empire into three parts when he was old. The eldest son Tuirya ruled the east, which evolved into the Tur people (Turan people), and was the ancestor of the Turks; the second son Sairima ruled the west. Ancestor of the Romans; the youngest son Aryan took charge of the central and southern parts and evolved into the Elan (Iranians), the ancestor of the Aryans. Of course, this legend is older in ancient Persian culture than what is recorded in the classic Zoroastrian literature, the ancient Persian scripture "Avesta".

One theory is that the word Aryan comes from Iranian Persian, which means "people of faith"; another theory is that it comes from Sanskrit, which means "noble".

Agudemba was very surprised:

It turns out that King Feridon's three sons were actually the ancestors of Turks, Romans and Iranians respectively.

Sinval continued:

Around 500 BC, during the lifetime of Confucius, an Aryan named Zoroaster founded Zoroastrianism, also known as Zoroastrianism. This religion was once practiced by most of the settled Aryan peoples. From the 7th to the 9th century AD, the Arabs ruled Persia, and the entire Persia began to be Islamized and began to exterminate Zoroastrianism. In the 11th century, Zoroastrianism became extinct in Persia. During these two hundred years of history, Arab and Islamic culture left a deep imprint on Persia. The Persian shape was changed from wedge shape to Arabic tadpole shape.

A large number of Arabic words have entered Persian, accounting for about 60% of Persian. But Persians are most afraid of others seeing them as Arabs. In fact, the ancient Persians did not believe in Islam. Agudengba asked again: The Aryans have ruled India for more than two thousand years, and India has a serious caste system. Why can Aryans, as "outsiders", become a high caste?

Sinval replied:

There are indeed records of Aryan invasions in Indian history. The four castes in India are set up according to the depth of skin color. Among them, Brahmin and Kshatriya are derived from the conqueror Aryans. The physical characteristics of the Aryans are white and light-skinned.


Blond hair and blue eyes are not an Aryan trait. The indigenous European Celts had red hair. It is not surprising at all that Slavs possess Aryan chromosomes. Because the Slavs now live in Eastern Europe, that is, the area where the ancient Western branch of the Aryans, the Sarmacians, lived. Sarmaxian is one of the main blood sources of the Slavic nation, but the Slavic nation has no sense of identity with the Aryans.

The Aryans reached the regions they then occupied by one, or rather successive migrations. The final stage of this migration cannot be too far away from the time when the Rig Veda was first compiled, but at the same time a sufficient period of time must have passed.

Lacuo interjected and asked:

Mr. Zinval, you said that you are of Aryan descent. I wonder where the Aryan descendants mainly live now?

Sinval said:

The famous Medes and Persians in Persian history are both descendants of Aryans. The Scythians, Sarmacians, Massagetae, and Alanians mentioned by historians of ancient Greece and Persia were also direct descendants of the Aryans. Since the Aryans had a glorious history, many countries and nations later claimed that the Aryans were their ancestors. The Persians claimed to be the heirs of ancient Aryan culture. The Tajiks claim the same thing.

The modern human genetic map basically explains or proves the migration history of peoples around the world, and also overturns what seemed to be truth in the past. There's something about history that makes it seem like maybe it's more humorous.

Sinval smiled and said:

A genetic map of the world's races (Y chromosome) developed by Americans shows that Aryan genes account for 19.5% of modern Germans (Germanic people). The number of Iranians (Persians) is even lower (18%), which is not as high as that of Uighurs in China (21%). The Aryan genes among Russians account for 47%. The country with the highest Aryan content is Poland, with more than 50%.

Among the Indo-European language-speaking peoples in India, Aryan genes account for 39.5%. This is why most Bollywood stars have white faces, but walking on the streets of India is a huge crowd of black people.

Sinval smiled again and said to Agudumba and Lacuo:

When Chinese people talk about Aryan things, they often ask why the Aryans were so powerful that they swept through Asia, Europe and Africa, and wiped out three ancient civilizations. Why were they helpless against the Chinese civilization? Apparently looking down on Aryans. Not only that, some Chinese people will also ask, why do the histories of Iran and India, both created by the Aryans, start at the beginning but end at the end?

What I want to tell the Chinese people is: The ancient Aryans took their sun god totem Swastika as their flag. In ancient Brahmi, it was pronounced Swastika, and in Chinese, it was simply pronounced wàn. Hitler claimed that the German nation he led was the noble Aryan people. Hitler believed that the "swastika" symbolized "the final victory of the Aryan people." The inferior Slavic peoples that Hitler dreamed of exterminating include Russia, Ukraine, and Poland. In fact, the Slavs are the real Aryans. In terms of genes, that is, chromosomes, the proportion of Aryan genes decreases from east to west and from north to south in Europe. 31% of Norwegians. In Italy there are almost none.

What I also want to tell the Chinese people is:

After Buddhism was introduced to China from India, Chinese people who believed in Buddhism would kneel and kowtow before the word "swastika". They opposed and hated fascism, but they did not understand why Hitler used the word "swastika" as a fascist symbol. Today, when people see this symbol, they no longer know its original meaning, especially Europeans.

In fact, if you identify it carefully, you will find that there is one difference between the ancient Aryan sun god totem symbol "swastika" and the fascist symbol "swastika" designed by Hitler, that is, the difference between "swastika" and "swastika" The left and right rotation directions are different. Perhaps this difference brings about differences in beliefs.

Sinval smiled and said to Agudemba and Latso:

I am not a follower of Zoroastrianism or Hinduism. I believe that I will become Buddha.

Sinval sang a Buddhist song "Enlightenment" in Tibetan:


All sentient beings who have not yet been liberated,

They all circulate in the six realms of life and death,

The reincarnation of sentient beings will never end,

Endless troubles are suffering.


To be liberated from reincarnation,

You can escape from all kinds of suffering in the world,

Nirvana and liberation from samsara,

Nirvana has no worries in life.


There was a Buddha born in this world,

And a Buddha will be born in the future,

There are many Buddhas in the world,

Buddha is not unique.


All people and sentient beings,

It is possible for everyone to become a Buddha.

Buddha is an enlightened being,

All living beings are unenlightened Buddhas.


Although mortals and saints are different,

But in terms of Buddha nature,

all are equal. Buddha is not the only god;

So Buddhists are atheists.


Buddhism is not a religion of worshiping gods;

In fact, it is a philosophical thought,

Thinking that all pain comes from desire,

Impermanence and non-self need to be overcome.


Pay attention to spiritual and moral awareness,

It’s not about achieving your own reputation,

Nor is it about controlling power and wealth,

Buddha's belief is to benefit all living beings.


























































































Conversation with the Aryans


Conversation with the Aryans


Foreigner John, archaeological expert Aza, Lacuo and Agudengba gradually arrived in Tibet from Yunnan along the ancient tea-horse road of Yunnan and Tibet.

Foreigner John and archaeological expert Aza decided to go to Kunming, while Lacuo and Agudengba were going to Lhasa.

Along the way, the most common topic they talked about was the Sumerian civilization. They also talked about the history of Sumer’s eventual subjugation of the country and the nation.

After Lacuo and Agudengba broke up with John and Aza, Lacuo said to Agudengba:

There is an inn in front and a small horse farm next to it. Let's go there to have a rest first.

The inn owner who received them, Sinval, was an Indian and his daughter was named Aya.

Sinval and Aya warmly received Lacuo and Agudengba. After settling the caravan members and the donkeys and horses, Lacuo, Agudengba and Sinval started chatting.

To Agudumba's surprise, Sinval claimed to be a descendant of the Aryans.

Sinval said:

The Aryans originated from the steppes of the southern Ural Mountains. Aryans generally refer to an ethnic group in northwestern India. Aryans were originally the name of the Indo-Iranians and are also the etymology of the word "Iran". In Sanskrit scriptures, the word is used to refer to the "noble class".

Indo-Aryan languages are a branch of the Indo-European language family. Possibly derived from the Sintashta culture of western Siberia. It has a common origin with other Indo-European peoples in the steppes of Eastern Europe.

Sinval added:

In India, many etymologies have Aryan connections. For example, the word "Ajuya" comes from Devanagari Sanskrit, which means "glorious, respectable, noble".

Northern India is also called "Aryan Varta", and "Aryan Varthanam" in Pali can be interpreted as "the land of the Aryans".

The difference between Aryan and Marukshasa is also often mentioned in Jain scriptures; in Tamil literature, the king of North India refers to the king of the Aryans. The caste system divides people into "Aryanvarna" and "Dasavarna".

My ancestors and I have always lived in the Aryan Varta region, and our language belongs to the Indo-Aryan branch. But different ethnic groups have different explanations in traditional terms.

For example, in South Asia, in Buddhism, "Aliya" or "Aliya" means "saint", that is, a person who has realized the Four Noble Truths, including the Buddha and his holy disciples who have achieved enlightenment. In Buddhism, Jainism, and Hinduism, the concept of Aryan is not necessarily associated with an ethnic group or race. However, the origin of the word is generally believed to be the self-proclaimed name of the Indo-Iranians on their way to conquer India.

Another example is Central Asia. The Kingdom of Bactria calls itself "Aria", but what is displayed is the Bactrian Greek font.

Another example is West Asia. In the Avestan classic of ancient Persia, "Avesta", airya/airyan is clearly used as the name of the ethnic group, and its meaning is Iranian.

The inn owner Sinval called his daughter Aya. Aya has light skin, blond hair, and light eyes. Much like the original Indo-Europeans.

Sinval asked Aya to sing "Aryan", a popular song in the Aryan migration area in Indo-Aryan:


We are descendants of Aryans

Our blood runs all over the world

We did not create our own country

Our ancestors lived in tribes


Aryans changed world history

Indo-European culture solidifies our wisdom

The Himalayas leave our footprints

We are also present in the north and south of Tianshan Mountains


We are the birth of the world's religions

Established the original spiritual law

We advocate that people live and work in peace and contentment

We advocate political clarity for kings


History will never forget the Aryans

If you understand Aryan, you will know the world

Whether it's gods or devils

They are all derivatives of human civilization
















































History will never forget the Aryans


History will never forget the Aryans


When the foreigner John and the archaeological expert Aza were talking with Lacuo and Agudengba, John and Aza talked most about the Sumerian civilization that was 3,000 years earlier than the ancient Chinese civilization. They also talked about the Sumerian civilization. Subjugation of the country and annihilation of the clan.

Agudemba said to Mr. John:

You are British and you must know a lot about India. What is your opinion on the Aryans?

Mr John said:

I know some. The Aryans originated from the grasslands in the southern Ural Mountains. They were good at riding and shooting, and had a combative personality. Around 3000 BC, the earth experienced a Little Ice Age. The global temperature dropped, and their survival was affected. In order to find a place more suitable for survival, they began to yearn for it. migration.

The Aryan migration routes were mainly divided into three routes. They moved westward into the Asia Minor region of today's Turkey, and moved eastward into the Middle East, establishing countries such as Persia. Persia is now Iran. Iran still means "noble Aryans." Finally, we headed south to the upper reaches of the Indus River.

The Aryans were outsiders, and they had great conflicts with the local residents wherever they went. The Aryans practiced martial arts since childhood and were very powerful in fighting. They successively destroyed ancient Babylon, ancient India and ancient Egypt, and created a powerful Persian Empire.

In order to manage the ancient Indians, the Aryans also invented a "caste system" that divided people into three, six or nine levels according to the depth of their skin color. The highest-level Brahmins and Kshatriyas were them and their descendants, and the real Indian natives became Became the lowest level Sudra and "untouchable" Datli.

The Aryans did not resist for the sake of the Indian natives, and told them to suffer in this life and enjoy happiness in the next, using this "ostrich mentality" to numb their nerves. Although the caste system was abolished in 1947, its influence has always been there.

Agudemba asked Mr. John again:

The Aryans successively destroyed ancient Babylon, ancient India and ancient Egypt, and created the powerful Persian Empire, but why did they not destroy ancient China?

Mr. John:

In my impression, the Aryans conquered China but did not win.

Agudemba said:

Many ancient civilizations have been born in the history of human civilization. China, ancient Egypt, ancient India, and ancient Babylon are all ancient civilizations. These four countries have three cultural faults. Only China has never been interrupted. The three ancient civilizations in the cultural gap were all destroyed by the Aryans, but when the Aryans arrived in China, they were turned into sacrifices. What happened in the middle?

After the Aryans wiped out ancient India, they turned their greedy eyes to China. China was in the Shang Dynasty at that time. The Aryans thought they could wipe out the Shang Dynasty as smoothly as they wiped out the first three ancient civilizations, but unfortunately They encountered the heyday of Wu Ding's rule. The Shang Dynasty's army and other aspects reached their peak, and Wu Ding also had a good wife - Fuhao. Wu Ding had more than 60 wives, but only 3 were legal. Among these three, the most favored was Fu Hao, who was also the only woman Wu Ding truly loved.

Fuhao is China's first female general recorded in history. Her surname is "Zi" and her first name is "Hao". "Fu" is a relative title. In the existing oracle bone inscriptions, her name often appears. She can appear frequently not only because of her She is Wu Ding's wife, and because she is a female general, she once led an army of 13,000 to destroy the Qiang Kingdom. In the Shang Dynasty, the 13,000-strong army was considered a very large army, accounting for more than half of the Shang Dynasty's troops. With this battle, Fu Hao became the general with the largest number of troops during the Wuding period.

According to a large number of oracle bone inscriptions unearthed in the Yin Ruins in 1928, the Qiang Kingdom that Fuhao destroyed was probably the Guifang Kingdom. "The King Zhen did not want Fuhao to go and attack Guifang." The people of the Guifang Kingdom were Aryans.

In the winter of 1976, when farmers in Xiaotun Village, Yinxu, Henan, were leveling the land, they accidentally discovered an underground tomb. There was a piece of armor in the tomb that read: "Xinsibu, Zhen, the woman who ascended the throne is good for three thousand, and she traveled ten thousand, and almost defeated the Qiang." .

Based on this identification, archaeological experts found that this was the tomb of Fu Hao, the wife of Wu Ding of the Shang Dynasty.

Archaeologists discovered Fuhao's tomb and excavated the tomb to find these burial objects and a large number of bones. These bones were all victims of human sacrifice. After identification, archaeologists found that 4 of them were children. Wu Ding probably did it to make up for the regret that his wife had no offspring.

In addition, archaeologists made a surprising discovery that there were bones of white people in Fuhao's tomb. Transportation in the Shang Dynasty was inconvenient, so it was impossible for white people to come to the Shang Dynasty casually.

Experts traced the origins of these tall humanoid skeletons through DNA and found that these unknown skeletons were actually Aryans.

How come there are Aryan skeletons in the tombs of the Shang Dynasty? Aryans belong to the Caucasian race, and at that time China was almost entirely of Mongolian race. How could the Caucasian Aryans go to "sleep with" Fuhao in her tomb?

Experts continue to research, and there are passages in historical materials that have attracted the attention of archaeologists: "Jiyoububingui Fangfu died in May", "Zhenwang did not want his wife to go to attack the ghosts", "Fuchao led the army" Going west, beheaded more than 20,000 people."

From the above-mentioned historical records, it is obvious that the so-called "Ghost Fang" and "White Head" refer to the Aryan race.

At that time, with the growth of the racial base and the deterioration of the living environment, the Aryans had to migrate from the southern Ural Mountains to Central Asia. After that, the Aryans gradually moved west and south, and gradually swept across ancient Babylon and ancient Egypt. and ancient India.

The Aryans were invincible in the other three ancient civilizations, but they suffered a defeat at the hands of Fuhao. "Fuhao led his army westward and beheaded more than 20,000 people." The living Aryans were taken as slaves, or Used to worship heaven and as funerary objects. The white bones found in the tomb are the bones of Aryan captives from that time.

Fu Hao was not in particularly good health due to years of fighting, and she only lived for more than 30 years before she died. Wu Ding was very sad about her death. In ancient times, there was a custom of "death is like life", so Fu Hao could still enjoy the world of the world while underground. She received 1,928 precious burial objects, including 468 bronze items, 755 jade items, 564 bone items, etc.

Mr. John was very surprised when he heard what Agudenba said:

Aryans are famous for their aggressiveness. Why are they helpless when encountering the Chinese?

Agudemba said:

"There are people outside people, and there are mountains outside mountains."

Some Chinese scholars believe that the Chinese people have never advocated force, but they have never flinched when foreign enemies invaded. We have always fought to defend our homeland, so history can last for 5,000 years, which is something we should be proud of.

A well-known "Master of Chinese Studies" believes that there are eight main secrets to the long-lasting prosperity of Chinese civilization for five thousand years, and the Aryans eventually became the burial objects in Fuhao's tomb. These eight reasons are:

First, the land is large and there are many people; second, never go on expeditions; third, pursue unity; fourth, be strict with order; fifth, simplify thinking; sixth, downplay competition; seventh, guard against extremes; eighth, implement imperial examinations .

According to the interpretation of the "Master of Chinese Studies":

First, the land is large and there are many people. Large land and large population are the most basic factors and the key basis for turning geographical volume into cultural energy. why would you say so? The area of Chinese cultural activities is 700,000 square kilometers in the Yellow River Basin alone, and civilization continues. Together with many other breeding grounds for civilization, we include the Yangtze River, the Pearl River, and the Liaohe River Basin. Together, the total area is close to 5 million square kilometers. This shows that the activity area of Chinese culture is more than ten times, or even 20 times larger than the total activity area of all other important cultures in the world. You can imagine that if there is a famine in the Yangtze River Basin, people can flee to the Yellow River Basin. Similarly, if there is a famine in the Yellow River Basin and the Pearl River Basin, they can also flee to other river basins, as far as the Liaohe River Basin. Because we have such a large body, we can escape from one river basin to another without leaving the country, and we don’t need to worry about other countries rejecting refugees. It is precisely because of this large location and population advantage that we can Chinese civilization provides a strong guarantee against risks.

The second is to never go on an expedition. We all know that there are three major civilizations in human history, namely agricultural civilization, nomadic civilization and navigation civilization. Nomadic civilization and nautical civilization are very aggressive, and due to long-term wandering and migration, they cannot form a stable "base" like agricultural civilization. For civilization, stability is very necessary, and nomadic civilization and nautical civilization expeditions habits cannot guarantee the sustainability of civilization.

The third is the pursuit of unity. Chinese people have had the concept since ancient times that "there are no two heavens, two suns, and two people, no two masters." Unification is the habitual thinking of all Chinese people. When Westerners look at problems, they like to conduct precise research on different modules one by one, which is called dissection and analysis. The Chinese do the opposite and like to combine different modules and analyze them from a macro perspective. Grasp the development trend of things. Therefore, Western Europe was divided into many countries, while China has always thrived on the principle of unity since ancient times.

The fourth is to be strict with order. The so-called "strictness in order" means that in the cultural system and in speech and behavior, we must pay attention to the "three cardinal principles and five constant principles" and other social ethical orders of "the monarch, the minister, the father, the son, the son". Many people have made radical criticisms on this issue, but I think that ancient China could have been able to reach this point without the theory of Confucianism, the domineering power of Legalism, and the "quiet and inaction" of Taoism. China would have long ago It was divided into many principalities.

The fifth is to simplify thinking. Chinese people like to simplify the complex. The book "Laozi" explains all things in the world and the laws of the universe, but it only has more than 5,000 words; "The Analects" shapes the character of Chinese people who are soft on the outside and strong on the inside. There are only more than 10,000 words on Zhuangzi. It is a simple prose poem to illustrate Taoist thoughts. Simplified thinking has been deeply engraved in the bones of the Chinese people.

The sixth is to downplay competition. What is competition? In the final analysis, two or more people trample their opponents under their feet in pursuit of maximizing their own interests. Obviously, the competitive culture is very confrontational and aggressive, and even abandons ethical principles in order to win the competition. Such a nation naturally has no hope. Therefore, our nation values "friendship first, competition second."

The seventh is to guard against extremes. Chinese culture emphasizes "moderateness". Many people understand the so-called "gold mean" as being a "good old man". In fact, this is a narrow understanding of "the golden mean". What I think of as the “gold mean is a cultural concept that combines hardness and softness. The strong Spartan civilization was one whose culture was too rigid, which eventually led to its decline; while the weak civilization was easily destroyed by foreign enemies. Therefore, the "golden mean" was a national character that balanced hardness and softness. The advantage of this is that it can avoid going to extremes and achieve sustainable development of civilization.

The eighth is to implement the imperial examination. In the eyes of contemporary people, the imperial examination is just the dross of ancient feudal rulers that destroyed people's minds. However, objectively speaking, the ancient imperial examination had an extraordinary and profound impact on the continuation of Chinese civilization. The purpose of the imperial examination is to gather the elite intellectuals in society into a central group, so that they can serve the country to their maximum effectiveness. This not only prevents out-of-control intellectuals from disrupting national ideology, but also allows intellectuals to invest in national construction, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Agudenba smiled and said:

The eight reasons why the Chinese tricked the Aryans as described by this well-known "Master of Chinese Studies" are, in my opinion, very shameless and absurd.

First, regarding the large number of people in the land, I would like to ask why the Song and Ming dynasties were conquered by the Jurchens and Manchus? ;

Second, regarding never going on expeditions, I would like to ask, isn’t China’s territory formed from the expansion of territory? How did China expand its western regions?

Third, regarding the pursuit of reunification, why not recover the territory occupied by Soviet Russia?

Fourth, regarding strict order, is it an order where the feudal emperors are autocratic, or is it an order where the people are the masters of their own affairs?

Fifth, regarding simplified thinking, is thinking that integrates Western Marxism-Leninism and Chinese Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism a simplified thinking?

Sixth, it is ridiculous to downplay competition. Will there be social and economic development without competition?

Seventh, regarding guarding against extremes, the "golden mean" is regarded as the national character of the Chinese people that balances hardness and softness. It does not distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, and is a life value of "living around".

Eighth, regarding the implementation of imperial examinations, can this feudal education system cultivate talents who are truly concerned about the country and the people? In today's era, applauding the imperial examination is really shameless, not ignorant.

Agudenba smiled and said:

China's feudal system relied on civil and military rule. Wenzhi means "advocating literature" and brainwashing, using feudal autocratic ideas to establish the status of royal power. In order to compete for the throne, the past dynasties are full of bloody stories; martial arts means "promoting martial arts" to commit violence, and both "conquering the country" and "sitting on the country" depend on it. "Gun barrel", "Knife handle" and "Pen barrel".

After the Aryans completed the destruction of the three ancient civilizations of ancient Egypt, ancient India, and ancient Babylon, they set their sights on the Central Plains, which was rich in products and fertile land. Therefore, the Aryans began to invade the Central Plains from the Western Regions along the Hexi Corridor. door. In order to defend the Shang Dynasty, Fu Hao personally led an expedition and defeated the Aryans near the Sichuan Basin. She did not rely on the "Tao of Confucius and Mencius" or "the golden mean", but "blood for blood, tooth for tooth." The Shang Dynasty, which was in slavery at that time, not only killed all the Aryans who dared to invade, but also dug pits and filled the captives as burials. There are these Aryan bones in the Fuhao tomb.

Those so-called masters of Chinese studies simply ignore these facts. Instead, they play with history and deceive the people. However, they will eventually become funerary objects in feudal autocratic tombs.

Agudemba sang a song "Ignorance and Shamelessness":


Some people say ignorance is a sin;

This is the opinion of a wise man.

Ignorance is the inertia of thinking,

Because of the ignorance and inertia of thinking,

That led to the occurrence of evil,

Ignorance and sin should be complicit.


Ignorant people, due to inertia of thinking,

Just give up thinking and learning,

Will accept brainwashing and settle for the status quo,

Would rather be a slave and kneel down to survive,

Brainless people are like a swarm of ants,

The ignorant become the largest group.


The unthinking are not just mediocre;

The mediocre commit evil crimes,

Just ignore your own responsibilities,

Never take the country seriously,

There is no lofty national spirit,

Nor will they integrate into the group.


One cannot be without a sense of shame;

The kind of shame that is shameless,

But it far exceeds the evil of ignorance,

A person should have a face like a tree with bark;

Light bulbs also have glass covers.

Everyone has shame.


Only despicable shamelessness,

I didn’t know there was such a thing as shame in the world.

Those who hold evil thoughts,

Always shamelessly proud of shame,

Flattery and flattery,

He is a common shameless person around.


Shameless wizards pretend to be gods,

Shameless gangsters are hooligans by nature,

Shameless traitors secretly hurt others,

Shameless literati tell lies,

The shameless soldiers fled from the battle,

The shameless emperor oppressed the people.


Ignorance and shamelessness are a pair of brothers,

Ignoring all sentient beings is a common bad habit.

Ignorant people just want to stay safe and protect themselves.

Pretending to be deaf and dumb, lying down and not making unreasonable comments,

Shameless people will always be lawless,

He did evil and misled the country and the people.