The cow and horse were shackled next to a big tree. They saw a
construction migrant worker climbed onto the 25th floor of the construction
site and was preparing to jump off the building.
The high-rise building uploaded the migrant workers’ call to the
unpaid contractor. The contractor said back to the migrant workers: I am
calling the developer on the 26th floor. The migrant worker asked: Where is the
developer? The contractor answered: This is to call the mayor on the 27th
floor! The migrant worker asked: What about the mayor? The contractor answered:
That is to prepare to jump off the building on the 28th floor, because it is
accepting anti-corruption investigation! Migrant workers are anxious: Who pays
for our salary!
The cow said to the horse: "We are all the raw materials for
cattle. Our salary is only a few grasses. Those migrant workers are not much
different from us."
Ma said to the cow: "Oh, what's more pitiful is that we don't
have a pension, only wait for the owner to kill and cook."
When a cow is a horse, it
is only a non-stop, humiliation and weight-bearing, it will be rewarded by the